Growing in Grace, together.
A church family committed to following Christ.
Find Your Place at Grace
All are welcome at Grace! We think that everyone has a purpose in God’s plan. By working together we show the world God’s glory through our unity in diversity. We hope you will connect with us!
9:30 AM – LifeGroups | Sunday School
10:30 AM – Morning Worship
6:00 PM – Evening Worship | AWANA
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting (Adults) | Ignite Youth (7th-12th)
KidsTown (2 yrs-6th)
Nurseries available during all services.
Servicios en Español.
Even if you’re not able to join us in person, we want to help you connect with us. All services are streamed live (and archived). We also broadcast each Sunday in the Indianapolis area on TV and radio.
Something for All Ages
We love ministering Jesus to children! You’ll find lots of opportunities for kids to grow in their knowledge of God.
Junior and Senior High are important stages in a life, youth will receive biblical truth spoken powerfully into their lives.
The college and career years are a time of great change. We come alongside young adults to minister the gospel.
Young couples, older couples and single adults will find opportunities for fellowship and teaching no matter their life stage.
On Sunday mornings, we worship God through music, teaching God's Word, observing communion & baptism, & sharing testimony of God's work in us & around the world.