LifeStage Groups
Our adult small group classes are an important part of our Sunday morning activities. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., life stage groups meet to study and discuss the Bible. Separate classes for both men and women are divided by life stage and consist of a teacher, ministry leader, care group leader and a handful of students. These small classes provide more opportunity for one-on-one training in God’s Word and building community with other Christians. We also have a traditional Sunday School class for adults that meets in the main auditorium. Come and discover our caring, friendly church family!
Jolly Keenagers is a ministry to the senior adults of our community. Our meeting is packed full of fun, food, and fellowship. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Our dedicated, caring Hearts of Gold staff are here to help. Free transportation is available to and from our weekly meetings.
Women’s Bible Study
Every week, a group of ladies from the church get together to study God’s Word. Using lessons from Precept Ministries, the ladies study a new book of the Bible every quarter. Precept Ministries lessons guide the reader through a detailed study of God’s Word. Bible Studies meet in the morning and evenings to best work around each lady’s busy schedule. If you can’t come in-person, Zoom classes are also available! Just contact our church office to find out how you can participate!
Spanish Speaking
The Grace family has a heart for Spanish-speaking people in our community. A Spanish-taught Sunday school class meets at 9:30am and then a Spanish-language worship service is held at 10:30am in the Chapel.
Secundino Bautista leads our Spanish-speaking ministry. Secundino came to Christ through Grace's Spanish ministry in 2000 and received his ministerial training from Faith Baptist College in Greenville, SC.
At Grace we have many avenues to express your gifts in music and praise to God.
If you are a member who is interested in joining a choir, orchestra, handbell group or performing special music during the worship service, please contact our music director, David Luttrull.
Our greeter team is a great way to get involved in meeting visitors to Grace and brightening everyone's morning as they come to worship. Greeters also help people with special needs into the building and provide maps and directions for newcomers.
Our usher crew does a great job of providing service and security during our times of worship at Grace. Ushers assist the greeter team in providing guest services. They also take up the offerings and secure the buildings. Mike Keevin is the head usher and is always looking for more volunteers for the usher crew.
Work Teams
At Grace we want to let our light so shine before men that they would see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. We have sent work teams as far as Gulfport, Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina and Navajo Indian settlement in Arizona to as close as Henryville, Indiana where tornadoes devastated a small community. Our most recent ministry team helped a small church in Poland renovate an apartment building used to house Ukrainian refugees. If you would be interested in helping on a work team, contact our office. If you would be interested in helping with maintenance or custodial projects around the church and our Christian academy or helping needy families or widows, contact the church office.
Media Team
Every Sunday a team of volunteers produces slides, video and audio booth support for worship services. Media teams also produce audio and video content for the Livestream, social media and this website. If you would be interested in helping with the media team, contact the church office.
Harvest Family Night
Every year in the fall, families and children are invited to the annual Harvest Family Night at Grace Baptist Church. HFN is a safe, exciting alternative to Halloween trick-or-treating. Enjoy free food, candy, a bounce house, carnival games of all types, a preschool room, apple cider, s'mores, and more!
There is no cost, just come out and have a safe, fun time.!