As Christians, we are commissioned to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
That’s why at Grace we partner with 36 missionaries and ministries to take the good news to nations and people-groups around the globe.
God’s glory is at stake. The fame of His name matters. And so we’re excited to see worship of our God spreading to the uttermost part of the earth.
Tiko & Lena Agamalian in Ukraine
Ed & Jan Alexander in Brazil
Josh & Morgan Barton in Mozambique
Scott & Melody Childs in Australia
Jeremy & Caroline Dion in Papua New Guinea
Terry & Denise Domstad in Thailand
Frank & Tori Frausto in South Africa
Santhosh & Sophie George in India
Lowell & Michelle Griffin in The Philippines
Brent & Karolyn Halstead in Kenya
Matt & Tiffany Herbster in Hong Kong
Andy & Amanda Justison in Togo
Bryan & Amy Lenartz in Japan
Bradley & Krischa McKenzie in Germany
Duane & Sin Chee Ott in Malaysia
Juan Padilla in Mexico
Jimmy & Rachel Pierre in Haiti
Dave & Melissa Price in France
Michael & Tina Rains in Kenya
Vlademir & Rosa Silveira in Brazil
Caleb & Ecko Stein in Peru
Luke & Anna Tanis in Malta
Joe & Hallie Taylor in Chile
Sean & Jackie Teis Life Factors Fatherless Ministry
Aaron & Emily Thompson in Japan
Timothy Program at Bob Jones University
Eugeniusz & Jolanta Trzcionkowski in Poland
Chris & Darcy Vergiels in Brazil
Jonathan & Emily Washer Inside the Lines
Michael & Susan Weiss Director of Shepherd’s Bethel
Nate & Sara Wright in Africa
Mark & Diane Zimmer in Yap
* Gospel Partners in Limited Access Countries: We have several gospel partners currently serving in limited access countries around the globe.