What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery is a confidential, biblical, and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. We all have hurts and if we don’t walk through them authentically with Jesus, we can get hung-up and pursue destructive habits. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to work through them. This Jesus-centered 12 step program is open to anyone looking for freedom.
What to Expect
Every Monday from 6:30-8:30 PM
When you arrive at Grace for CR, you’ll find signs directing you to our meeting room (as well as greeters welcoming you in). We meet every Monday from 6:30-8:30 PM. Our typical meetings include:
A time of welcome and introduction.
Newcomers 101
If we have a first-time attendee to CR, we host a “Newcomers 101” class. Newcomers 101 is for first-time attendees and will help you better understand what Celebrate Recovery is all about as well as provide you the opportunity to ask questions or process your feelings in a safe environment before you make a commitment to a small group.
Large Group
The large group meeting is designed for the participant to set aside the stress of the world by enjoying a time of prayer, praise and worship, and teaching as a way of getting in touch with Jesus Christ. This is where everyone meets together to hear either a recovery centered teaching or a personal testimony of a changed life.
Small Group (Open Share)
This is the time we break into separate gender and issue specific groups (as much as possible) where each person is safe to share their struggles and victories with others who share their similar hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is also a good opportunity to connect with others who are participating in recovery.
A Quick Look at CR
Listen to some of our CR members talk about how the program has helped them!
Want to know more?
Contact our church office at (765) 643-7853 or email us at grace@gracetoanderson.com to find out more…