Welcome to Grace!
Thank you so much for your interest in Grace Baptist Church. Bienvenidos. Habla Español?
At Grace, Jesus is the reason we are here. We want to show you how much He means to us by the way we love each other, worship together and proclaim Him in our preaching.
Grace is a family-friendly church that believes the Bible is God’s Word and that embraces the call to make disciples. We aren’t a perfect church, but we do possess a genuine passion for God’s Word and for people.
If you are looking for a church family, we'd love to have you visit us.
Weekly Schedule
9:30a - Life Groups | Sunday School (for all ages)
10:30a - Morning Worship (Nursery: 0-3 years | Children’s Church: 4-5 years)
6:00p - Evening Worship (Nursery: 0-1 years) / AWANA (2 years - 6th grade)
AWANA during the school year (August - May)
10:00a - Seniors group (50+ years-old)
7:00p - Equip Class Electives (adults) | Nursery (0-3 years) | KidsTown (4 years-6th grade) | Ignite Youth (7th-12th grade)
*Hay servicios en Español del mismo horario los domingos y los miercoles.
What To Expect
Gift for Visitors
We are a church family that welcomes all to come and experience God's grace. At the doors, you will be welcomed by our Greeter Team who will direct you to where you want to go.
If you are visiting for the first time, please fill out a ‘Connections Card’ for us and introduce yourself to one of our pastoral staff in the foyer after the service. We love to see new faces and meet new friends, and we would like to give you a gift bag to recognize your first visit with us at Grace.
Our music is both uplifting and reflective. Our desire is to turn our focus toward God because worship is for His glory, not our own. This God-centered philosophy is reflected in what and how we sing at Grace. Our music is a blend of time-honored hymns and modern songs. We believe that the content of our musical worship should reflect who God is (Ps. 145:3-5), what He has done (in creation, redemption, etc.) (Rev. 4-5; 1 Pet. 2:9) and what He promises to do in His return and ultimate reign (Ps. 96; Rev. 11:16-19). Each song chosen reflects this emphasis on rich doctrinal truth and biblical application with the goal of edifying each believer in his or her relationship with Christ (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16).
We love children of all ages and provide excellent childcare during all of our services. If you have a child three years or younger we ask that you register them in our nursery. Our nursery staff are screened, trained and well-qualified. They will be happy to assist you with any questions or special needs. During our Sunday school hour, we have age-specific classes for all ages. During the 10:30 AM service, we offer nurseries for children under 4-years-old. We invite the older children to join the adults for our main service. On Sunday Evenings, we offer our AWANA program and on Wednesday evenings kids can attend our KidsTown program. Our ushers or greeters will gladly direct you to the location of the kid’s programs.
We do not invite you to our church for your money. We hope that the worship and fellowship will be a gift to you, so please don’t feel obligated to give during the offering time. Our prayer is that you will receive the greatest gift of salvation through Jesus Christ if you haven’t already.
At Grace, we do not have a dress code. On the one hand, we don’t believe that formal or casual clothes are inherently more spiritual. On the other hand, through our music, our dress and even our appearance, we want to display a respect for God, the One whom we come to worship. At a normal Sunday service, you'll likely see both people in a suit and tie as well as people in jeans and a polo.
More Questions
If you have any questions or have a request we can pray for, please don’t hesitate to let us know. During services, we have ushers and greeters available to answer any questions you might have or to provide directions to any of our ministry locations. During the week, you can contact our church administrative assistant by email (Grace@GraceToAnderson.com) or by phone (765-643-7853). Again, please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do for you.